Lessons from COVID: Choosing Preparedness and Proactivity Over Fear


As we recently passed the four-year mark since COVID-19 shut down much of the world, it is essential to reflect on how we can better prepare our clients and patients for future pandemics. Experts suggest that it’s not a question of if another pandemic will occur but when. With the media already hinting at potential new threats, it's crucial to learn from the past to avoid repeating the same mistakes, ensuring that we and those we serve are as prepared as possible when facing the next potential outbreak.

During crises, fear often clouds judgment, preventing people from making clear and rational decisions. This isn't an excuse for poor behavior but an explanation for why fear-driven decisions often lack clarity. The concept of Mass Formation, where groups follow limited sources of information without questioning, underscores the importance of critical thinking during crises. The messaging that we, as practitioners, deliver has the potential to feed that fear. We need to be the voice of reason and support, guiding others to take ownership of their health and well-being both in advance of and during such an event, should it occur.

The rapid onset of the last pandemic left little time for logical thinking, leading to polarization, fear, and anger within families and communities. Like many of you, I faced criticism for my views. I sincerely hope that, in future crises, we can come together more supportively and compassionately so that our clients and patients feel both supported by and supportive of their healthcare professionals.

Upon reflection, here are some of my thoughts on how we, as practitioners, can be better prepared and begin supporting others in a holistic (mind/body/spirit) manner:

Nurturing Minds

  1. Teach Fear Response Management: When in fear mode, logical decisions are challenging. Techniques like 4-7-8 Breathing can help shift to a calmer state, reducing stress hormones. The more you practice, the easier it gets—it only takes a couple of minutes a day.
  2. Encourage Open-Minded Thought: Avoid confirmation bias by considering diverse sources of information. Talk to different people with compassion and curiosity about their beliefs. A curious mind fosters growth and understanding.
  3. Promote the Evaluation of Information Sources: When evaluating a message, consider who benefits from the information being presented. Check funding sources for news programs and research studies to identify potential biases.

a) For example, if a news program receives 60-70 percent of its funding from a pharmaceutical company, it might be a stretch to think that they are unbiased when reporting on something that might benefit their shareholders.

b) When researching published studies and papers (as we should), look at who funded or performed the study. If they have something to gain from a specific outcome, their bias might distort the reported outcomes.

c) Do not depend on social media or certain search engines to give you the most credible information or show you all sides of an issue, as the algorithms that feed us information often perpetuate a one-sided view.

Nurturing Bodies

  1. Teach Others to Adopt Healthy Lifestyles: Start lifestyle changes now to improve health.
  • Regular sunshine boosts Vitamin D levels, correlating with better COVID outcomes.
  • Exercise is crucial for overall health, and walking is a great start.
  • Ensure adequate sleep and address weight issues if needed.
  1. Focus on Addressing Health Conditions: Most COVID-related deaths involved comorbidities like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and liver or kidney conditions. Managing these conditions can improve health outcomes. Over 92 percent of deaths were associated with at least one comorbid condition.
  2. Encourage Lowering Toxic Burdens: Reduce toxin exposure and detoxify your body. A personalized detox program can help optimize body functions, correlating with better survivability. Patients can be guided through a personalized detoxification program at my clinic and others when appropriate. The more we reduce the toxic loads in our bodies, the better our bodies will operate. Remember, healthy kidneys and livers (organs of detoxification) were correlated with better survivability from COVID-19.

Nurturing Spirits

  1. Cultivate Spiritual Connections: Recognizing a higher power and purpose can provide perspective and foster personal growth. Optimism and noticing miracles can improve immune health and outlook.
  2. Develop a Meditation Practice: Meditation offers numerous benefits for the immune system and mental health. Studies support its positive impact, and holistic therapists can help personalize your practice.
  3. Engage in Supportive Communities: Participating in community activities, volunteer organizations, and support groups can enhance life quality. Consider creating one of your own with your patients/clients.

As we move into another season with potential threats, we need to be proactive with ourselves and those who look to us for health advice. Having resources for and encouraging others to take ownership of their health—mind, body, and spirit—can profoundly impact our clients and patients. Let us all be the light of compassion, support, and knowledge for those around us, and continue to serve in a way that empowers others to be truly holistically healthy.

About the Author

Tracy Wakefield Southwick, Master MBSR-P, ND (Trad.), HHP, CNHP, CNA, AMP, and owner and founder of Heights of Health, has dedicated nearly three decades to the natural health field. Initially pursuing aerospace engineering, her path shifted dramatically after she was diagnosed with a life-altering, “incurable” illness. Defying her doctor's prognosis, Tracy achieved full recovery through natural therapies, sparking her passion for the body's self-healing capabilities. Tracy opened Heights of Health in Houston, TX, in 2007, which now boasts nine holistic practitioners and is a leading naturopathic clinic in Houston, supporting clients locally and internationally.

In 2020, she founded Mind Body Spirit Release™ Academy, a fully accredited school that trains practitioners in her proprietary techniques (Mind Body Spirit Release® and The Holistic Wellness Approach™) and has since trained hundreds of practitioners worldwide. Driven by a commitment to provide a compassionate and innovative haven for those seeking holistic health solutions, Heights of Health focuses on personalized programs to achieve lifelong wellness by addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just symptoms.