Interrupting Cellular Memory with Psychedelic Medicine

Maya Shetreat, MD, joins Integrative Practitioner Content Specialist Avery St. Onge to discuss how psychedelics work to heal trauma on a molecular and physiological level.

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Theme music: "Upbeat Party" by Scott Holmes via, "Carefree" by Kevin Mcleod via, and “Relaxing Light Background” by AudioCoffee.

Maya Shetreat, MD is an integrative pediatric neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and bestselling author of The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into ten languages as well as the award winning book, The Master Plant Experience: The Science, Safety, and Sacred Ceremony of Psychedelics. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show, and many more. 

She is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she offers Portal, an in-depth training for psychedelic-informed professionals as well as Quantum Drops, a vibrational Master Plant product that is safe, legal and deeply transformative.

Board certified in adult and child neurology as well as pediatrics, Dr. Maya has a medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine and graduated with a special distinction in research for her work in neurodivergence. She completed the University of Arizona’s Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, and lectures internationally on psychedelics, botanical medicine, plant consciousness, indigenous wisdom, and the importance of our relationship to the natural world.