Improving Mental Health by Reducing Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Aly Cohen, MD, FACR, joins Integrative Practitioner Content Specialist Avery St. Onge to discuss simple, realistic ways to reduce exposure to environmental toxins and improve mental health.

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Theme music: "Upbeat Party" by Scott Holmes via, "Carefree" by Kevin Mcleod via, and “Relaxing Light Background” by AudioCoffee.

Aly Cohen, MD, FACR, is the co-author of the, bestselling, consumer guidebook, Non-Toxic: Guide to Living Healthy in a Chemical World, published by Oxford University Press, and part of the Dr. Weil Healthy Living Guides. Her new book to be, DETOXIFY: The Everyday Toxins Harming Your Immune System and How to Defend Against Them, published by Simon & Schuster, connects the dots between everyday chemicals and the epidemic rise in immune disorders and autoimmune disease...and what we CAN all do about it! DETOXIFY is available now on Amazon for preorder.

Dr. Aly Cohen is triple board-certified in rheumatology, internal medicine, and integrative medicine, as well as an environmental health expert in Princeton, New Jersey. She studied at the University of Pennsylvania, where she focused her studies on medical anthropology and human evolution - topics that have greatly influenced her work. She is on faculty of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM), Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCU), and the Integrative and Functional Medicine Fellowship of the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute (SSIHI) at the University of California, Irvine, where she created and manages the environmental medicine and integrative rheumatology curriculum for medical colleagues. Dr. Cohen has collaborated with the Environmental Working Group, Cancer Schmancer, and other disease- prevention organizations, and is coeditor of the textbook, Integrative Environmental Medicine, part of the Oxford University Press/Weil Integrative Medicine, Academic Series. In 2015, she created to share environ­mental health, disease prevention, and wellness information with the public. She lectures nationally on environmental health topics for el­ementary/ high schools, colleges/ universities, medical schools, and physician- training programs, and she is a regular expert guest for tele­vision, print, and podcasts. She is a legal medical expert for toxic tort environmental exposure cases.