Stress, Genetics and The Metabolism: Relevant Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms that are Modifiable Through Nutrition and Lifestyle

Presented by: Penny Kendall-Reed, ND
Recorded: February 2017
90 percent of visits to primary health care practitioners are due to stress or stress related pathology. These numbers have increased exponentially over the past 10 years and are paralleled only by the rise in obesity and metabolic dysfunction. More recently, the impact of genetic phenotype on both the susceptibility to stress, disease and metabolic dysfunction along with response to treatment is being recognized. This lecture explains how chronic modern day stress alters the feedback within the HPA axis and impairs signaling within the brain and peripheral tissues. The profound impact this has on SNP expression, adverse positioning of gene coding, impaired satiety signaling, and slowing of metabolic pathways. The consequence is increased weight gain, diabetes and dyslipidemia despite a good diet and exercise regime. Treatment is primarily aimed at re-establishing HPA function, pushing genes to their optimal position and modulating neural receptors through natural supplementation, diet, and lifestyle. This presentation was recorded at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual Conference.