Practitioners share top tips for coping with COVID-19
1. In times of stress, always prioritize sleep. The circadian rhythm is entrained by light and reset by dark. It’s so important to get some full spectrum light exposure in the morning on waking, either natural by the sun or through a light box. Open the blinds or go outside for a few minutes. At night, wind down but minimizing screen time and try to sleep in total darkness.
2. Use the video apps and turn on the video. Society is so used to quick texts or a phone call because we can physically see our friends and family regularly. Unfortunately, with social or physical distancing, we need that video chat to help bridge the gap and connect us now more than ever with a visual.
3. Get it out. For me that’s journaling and listening to music or walking my dog. Others like to meditate or have home-based dance parties. Do what you need to do to shake it off. Your brain and body will thank you.