Practitioners share top tips for coping with COVID-19
Last Updated: May 7, 2020
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has greatly affected the healthcare industry. There are those practitioners serving on the front lines treating patients, some without access to protective equipment and other resources, and those who have had to uproot their practices and adapt to working in this time of social distancing and stay-at-home mandates.
We at Integrative Practitioner want to be a resource for you, not only for information but support and connection during this challenging time. Earlier this week, we reached out to a few of our colleagues and asked them to share their top tips on how they’re getting by amid COVID-19. We weren’t looking for anything groundbreaking or robust—we simply wanted to hear what’s working for them. From there, our colleagues shared the message with their colleagues, who shared with their colleagues, and before we knew it our inbox was flooded with useful, practical tips that we had to share with our community.
Let’s keep the chain going and, as we learn and grow through this process, continue to share tips and tricks to help support each other. E-mail [email protected] with your top tips and please share our request with your network (bonus, you may reconnect with friends you haven’t heard from in a while). We will be updating this round-up weekly with new ideas from our audience.
Take care and be well.
Tips begin on next page.