Book Review: The Cosmic Game—Reflections

rickhi-bookBy: Dr. Badri Rickhi, MB. BS, FRCP - "Our world has become so complex and demanding that when we set out to seek out truth, we may lose courage as soon as obstacles, conflicts, temptations and threats begin to surface. We become busy trying to navigate out journey through life, and this separates us from our connections with others, and ourselves." - Dr. Badri

The Cosmic Game – Reflections is Dr. Badri Rickhi’s first book in a series on the topic of spirituality. Through his personal experiences and observations, Badri has developed potent tools for discovering and exploring one’s spiritual truth. In his book he shares his discoveries and offers compassionate guidance for those interested in expanding their spiritual connection. His non-secular approach is appropriate for people curious about spirituality as well as devout spiritual seekers.

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About the Author of The Cosmic Game – Reflections:

rickhi_bg2Badri Rickhi, MB, BS, FRCP is an academic psychiatrist who has been studying and practicing spiritual concepts from many cultures for as long as he can remember. He recognized that his life had become busy and demanding. He needed spiritual techniques that were simple, easy to perform and would produce significant results. The Cosmic Game is an assimilation of that journey. He has researched and published the findings of these concepts in academic journals.

In 2009, he was the co-winner of the world’s largest prize of its kind for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: the prestigious Dr. Rogers Prize. His Workshop on Spirituality has been broadcast on the Wisdom Channel and his ideas and work have appeared in the media. He holds the Research Chair position at the Canadian Institute of Natural and Integrative Medicine.

He believes that everyone should serve their fellow human beings without the need for personal attachments. He has been involved internationally with significant charitable philanthropic projects.