AIC2017LA: Our growing perspective about managing brain health
June 1, 2017
Historically, the predominant belief in medicine was that plasticity was limited to the first years of life was ascendant in medical neurology, psychiatry, and education. Nothing could be further from the truth, said Michael Merzenich, PhD, Thursday at the Institute for Functional Medicine’s 2017 Annual International Conference in Los Angeles, California. "The brain is growing and changing across the span of our life," he said. "Brain plasticity is the basis of the brain’s creation of your own special internal version of our world, and of the control of your operations within it. It's a lifelong resource." Through brain change, you have acquired and refined all of the special skills and abilities that defines the unique person that is you, said Merzenich. However, like your physical body, your brain needs exercise to sustain high function and organic health. "We have very extensively studied the neurological bases of that cognitive reserve, asking the key scientific question, what forms of brain exercise are most useful for growing your brain power, and for keeping you safer and more resilient?" This question led Merzenich to BrainHQ. The BrainHQ program is an online brain-training system with more than two dozen brain-training exercises organized into six categories:
- Attention
- Brain speed
- Memory
- People skills
- Intelligence
- Navigation