Integrative and Comprehensive Approach to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Presented by: Ronald Hoffman, MD, CNS, FACAM
The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—comprising Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis—is soaring in Western countries. How do modern lifestyles and medical practices contribute to its incidence? Is there a stress component? What is the current “standard of care” for IBD, and what are the limitations of drug therapies? What is the rationale for incorporating natural interventions—diet, supplements, and innovative strategies—for IBD? What is the current thinking about the causation of IBD, and how does it validate wholistic correctives? What nutritional deficiencies are commonly seen in IBD sufferers? What nutritional support strategies have been demonstrated to support disease amelioration? Why is the current practice of oral iron supplementation for the anemia commonly seen in IBD counterproductive? What role for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)? What are its potential drawbacks? What other dietary considerations apply to IBD? Which nutraceuticals have documented efficacy in IBD? What role for probiotics? Does the “Yeast Connection” offer actionable insights on IBD? Could cannabinoids be therapeutic? Are testosterone, DHEA, or GH beneficial? Is there a potential for fecal transplants to ameliorate IBD? Is low-dose naltrexone (LDN) a plausible option?
Case studies will illustrate opportunities and challenges in the integrative management of IBD.
This presentation was recorded at the 2019 Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual Conference.