Inside Out Health: Breakthroughs in the Resolution of Inflammation

Presented by: Robert Silverman, DC, MS, CNS, CSCS, CKTP, CES, CIISN, DACBN, HKC, SASTM
Recorded: February 2017
Helping a patient resolve a chronic inflammatory condition is one of the biggest challenges a holistic practitioner faces. Even when patients are very compliant with dietary and lifestyle changes and take all the recommended supplements and medications, inflammation can stubbornly persist. We know now that resolving inflammation is not a passive process. Rather, it’s complex and highly active and can sometimes happen slowly or even stall. Inflammation can linger long after the acute phase of the injury or illness has passed. Without resolution, the body never truly returns to homeostasis—inflammation becomes chronic.
Unresolved inflammation leads to systemic disease and musculoskeletal injuries. It also causes a deleterious effect on brain function. In this presentation, Dr. Silverman will share breakthroughs and protocols for resolving inflammation and insight into the orchestrated links among systemic inflammation, chronic injuries, and brain health.
This presentation was recorded at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual Conference.