Practitioners share top tips for coping with COVID-19
Telemedicine has worked on occasion with the patients who like to work with herbs and supplements. In my experience, telehealth has become like a family practice: one patient gets herbs and others are listening to the consultation in the background and they want to join in. For telehealth, I started an online consent form as well to create awareness of limitations of the scope of practice
When I am in clinic, I wear a mask, scarf, gown, and head cover, and disinfect all clinic surfaces. I wash all my gear and shower right after [the appointment]. I have a few patients picking up magnets and doing their own acupressure in the interim. The ones that are willing are doing amazing work.
I also offer a free, donations welcomed, virtual Qigong class every day at 9 a.m. to keep patients healthy and engaged in taking care of themselves. It keeps me motivated, too. I feel still connected to my practice in that way.
I also make my own healing balms, creams, lotions, serums, soaps, tinctures, and teas, so I have some time to focus on growing that part of my practice.