Resource Roundup: A Functional Medicine Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Panchenko Vladimir/Shutterstock

Q&A: Long-Term Integrative Treatment Protocols for IBS

Long thought to originate in the brain, historically, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been disregarded by conventional medicine and treated as a symptom of neurosis. However, according to Robert Rountree, MD, while the brain plays a role in the condition, IBS is more likely a result of abnormalities in the gut. 

“If the emphasis is on the brain, then the emphasis in treatment is going to be towards teaching the person to calm down, doing mindfulness meditation, and maybe certain kinds of exercises,” explained Dr. Rountree. “All that's fine, but the implication is, if you just meditate enough, then maybe your gut is going to get better. But if the problem really originates in the gut, then all the meditation in the world isn't going to help.”

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