Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth - Key Elements Regarding Testing and Intervention
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Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a chronic digestive disorder affecting millions of individuals worldwide. The problem is that conventional medicine often doesn’t lead to elimination of the disorder. This presentation will explore why SIBO should be addressed comprehensively through functional and integrative medicine and why solely relying on antibiotics is often not successful.
Dr. Kurt Woeller, D.O.
Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., has been a functional and integrative medicine physician, as well as a biomedical autism specialist, for over two decades. He is an author of several health books including “Autism – The Road To Recovery”, “Methyl-B12 Therapy For Autism”, “Methyl-B12 for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia” and “5 Things You MUST Do Right Now To Help With Your Rheumatoid Arthritis.”
He is a lecturer (throughout the United States and International), educator and experienced clinician offering specialized treatment and testing for individuals with complex medical conditions such as autism-spectrum disorders, autoimmune, chronic digestive and neurodegenerative disorders. His health consulting practice for autism alone is multinational with families from various countries.
Dr. Woeller serves as a lab advisor for both BioHealth Laboratory and Great Plains Laboratory (GPL). He developed and teaches the course on Organic Acid Test (OAT) interpretation and practice implementation for the GPL Academy as part of their ongoing educational seminars.
Dr. Woeller is also the co-founder of Integrative Medicine Academy, an online integrative medicine health practitioner training program with multiple online courses in gastrointestinal disorders (SIBO Mastery Course), autism (Autism Mastery Course), adrenal and hormone problems (Hormone Mastery Course), functional medicine (Functional Mastery Course), organic acids testing (Essential and Advanced OAT Mastery Courses) and environmental toxicity (Toxicity Mastery Course). He also runs an extensive biomedical autism educational website called Autism Recovery System.