Five Integrative Therapies for Healthy Aging

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Low-Dose Methylene Blue

About 95 percent of people have some level of mitochondrial dysfunction, and methylene blue has the potential to help most of them, according to Scott Sherr, MD.

“It could be used across the board for a variety of patients to help them feel better and faster while you're doing the hard work of trying to figure out why their mitochondria aren't working,” said Dr. Sherr, Chief Operating Officer of Transcriptions TX, a methylene blue retailer.

Recently, there’s been a renewed interest in the drug. Methylene blue, a liquid dye, reemerged largely after the COVID-19 pandemic because of its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, in addition to its purported ability to improve mitochondrial function. Now, practitioners like Dr. Sherr are using it to help treat a variety of conditions.

“There's a huge breadth of how we can use this from the severe chronic complex medical illness side all the way to the performance side,” said Dr. Sherr. “And the key is that dosing matters.”

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