Integrative Practitioner Digital Summit
This session will explore the foundations of Ayurvedic Nutrition. The difference between conventional dietetics and Ayurvedic view of Diet, Digestion & Nutrition. We will understand the basics of Ayurveda, the qualities of Dosha's, Foods and various aspects of the Metabolic function. We discuss the 6 tastes, Post Metabolic effect of various foods, simple tips to improve digestion and diet according to your unique Mind-Body types. Ayurvedic Nutrition truly reflects the latest science of Nutrigenomics and chronobiology of eating. We will discuss various spices, culinary herbs and Ayurvedic cooking techniques to optimize your digestion and overall Health.
Educational session sponsored by:
Speaker: Kamalesh Ginger Hooven, MA Ayurveda, Ayurveda Yoga Therapist, E-RYT 500, Chair of Mount Madonna Institute’s School of Yoga and instructor in the College of Ayurveda
You will be able to see Guatemala through the eyes of someone who has lived there for over 30 years and very much feels a part of the culture. Kamalesh has been teaching yoga for 18 years and training teachers since 2004. Her private practice of Yoga Therapy and her consistent study of Ayurveda informs her lifestyle and her teaching. When in Guatemala, you will often find her at her restaurant, Cafe Condesa, located on the Central Park of Antigua.
Speaker: Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar BAMS, MD(Ayu. India) Chair- MMI College of Ayurveda
Dr. Suhas is a classically trained Ayurvedic Physician with over 30 years of Clinical Experience.
He is a Best-Selling Author, Motivational Speaker and an acclaimed Educator in the field of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. He has traveled around the globe popularizing Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation & Natural Medicine.
Dr. Suhas has formulated some very successful herbal products generating multi-million dollars in revenues.
He was featured in many popular podcasts, radio & television shows.
He is an Adviser to the Chopra Center, Chair of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda and is the Director of Ayurvedic Healing Inc.
Speaker: Kate (Maitri) Bentley, MA-Ay, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ashtanga Yoga Teacher, Educator
Drawn to the classical teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga through her teacher Baba Hari Dass. She has studied the indigenous healing practices of Peruvian Shamanism as well as Tantric Buddhism through the Vajrayana lineage. Immersed in her love for plants, natural healing and the well being of all global communities, Kate blends these experiences in her practice to help others co-create long term solutions for inner and outer balance. She is an instructor and clinical practitioner at the College of Ayurveda – Mount Madonna Institute. She holds a Masters Degree with a thesis in women’s reproductive health. She has written articles for health magazines and been interviewed on talk radio. Practicing member of NAMA, the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.