Five Resources on Vagus Nerve Stimulation


Newly Published RCT Shows Acupuncture Can Help Relieve Depression Symptoms

recent randomized clinical trial featuring 304 adults aged 18 to 50 years with moderate to moderately severe depression found that auricular (ear) acupuncture provided greater symptom remission at three months.

"This study does not suggest that auricular treatments can cause a full recovery; however, it did show symptom remission, which is a strong step towards a full recovery,” explained mental health expert Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc. “The authors of the study also explain that their rates of recovery (58 percent) and remission (46 percent) are similar to those observed with pharmaceutical treatments and are superior to psychotherapy, which means auricular treatment is as effective as drugs and better than psychotherapy.”

2017 controlled clinical trial found electroacupuncture to be even more effective at reducing symptoms in individuals with major depressive disorders compared to SSRIs.

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